Food Editior Karen Haram's 50 Top Recipes - (Traca some great appetizers)

Need Help Printing Recipes. Can anyone tell me how to shrink the pages so I can print the recipes?

I tried "shrink to page", but it only shows half the page (vertically) to print. Many thanks.

On my MAC, when I hit "Print", their is a pop up box that allows me to click double sided, black and

white, and box to change the orientation. I also had the same problem. Ironically, the BOX said that it was vertical, once I switched to horizontal, all worked out fine.

Thanks Gay for some great recipes. I especially like the apps and the tea recipes.


Marianne, did you figure it out? If you're on a PC and you select Print, make sure the box

that says "Fit to page" is checked. It's an option underneath Destination, Pages, Number of Copies, Color, and OPTIONS (check the box so it Fits to the Page.)

Yes, Traca, it worked! Barb b's didn't, probably because she has a MAC. So simple when you know

what you are doing, many, many thanks for your help. Can hardly wait to make her Italian Lasagna.

Barb, thank you so much for trying to help me print out the recipes. I tried your suggestions, but

they didn't work on my PC. I appreciate your taking the time to send me an answer.
