Food magazines


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With the demise of Gourmet, I feel I should get a subscription to a cooking magazine to support the industry. So I'll ask for one for Christmas. Which one should I get? Does anyone have any recommendations?

Browse through the various ones at the library before deciding......

I receive Cooks as a gift every year and am bored to tears with it. Maybe I have been getting it too long!

I like Saveur, even since the first issue. It provides a lot of background, in detail,

regarding the origins and current uses of particular foods and recipes. There's a great deal of ethnic content. It's not heavy on recipes but if you want to go beyond just how to combine ingredients, Saveur is ideal. And I've found the recipes that it does provide, to be reliable.

Check it out online and see if you like it.

It's hard to say--everybody's tastes are so different. I feel nothing fills the hole left by


I used to subscribe to Saveur, and now buy one or two issues a year if there's a feature I'm interested in. I do not find the articles that interesting, and many of the ethnic recipes require too much shopping for one-use-only ingredients. There are some recipes I go back to, but not enough to justify renewing a subscription.

I used to subscribe to Finer Kitchens, but found most recipes uninteresting. I enjoyed the technique aspect, but again, it wasn't enough to make me want to renew.

I've bought Food and Wine a few times, but the recipes have never grabbed me enough to make me want to read it more often.

Bon Appetit I think is crap, although many people like it. Depends what and how you want to cook. I will re-assess it when I get issues until the end of my Gourmet subscription, but I somewhat doubt it will be the all-occasion go-to that Gourmet was for me.

So I will not be getting a replacement magazine. Instead, I look forward to finding new favorites in my G. back issues, and using my cookbooks a little more.

I agree with FK on the techniques content. And I too, am starting to spend more time with my

cookbooks. I wonder if this is a cyclical thing or if our eyes too crossed from being on the internet.

One thing I would love to see is a complete table of contents created by food magazines, outlining their recipe content, but not just one year at a time. I have old magazines back to 1972 and find it overwhelming to go through them all just because I know a recipe is in one with a certain cover on it.

Ah, the power of suggestion. It's Fine Cooking, which I'm sure you've seen. At least, that's what

I was thinking.

Fore everyday cooking I like both Cooking Light and Eating Well but

I don't usually look to either of them for speciality items or menu suggetions for holidays.

I think the magazine put out by the Canadian liquor board, or some kind of board, is really nice. I

have seen it only once, but it seems like you CDN neighbors post recipes from it quite often, or at least in the past. Is that a free publication?

I subscribe to all mentioned above except Saveur and on a very different level, I'm enjoying a new

subscription to the Food Network Magazine. The November issue is huge and looks interesting. I've not tried any recipes, but there are many that look good and I enjoy the photos of behind the scenes on the Food Network shows. It's completely different from the others I read.

Lol on Cook's Illustrated being boring. After all these years, I'm finding it repetitive and a bit uninteresting, also. Fine Cooking used to be really interesting, but the used-to-be-editor from Bon Appetit, Laurie Buckle landed there. While I think the switch benefited BA, it seems Fine Cooking has suffered.

Edited to say I wouldn't choose this magazine if it was the only subscription I had.

If you note the prices we pay for liquor, that's where the funding for

the mag comes from. Free...HAH! And it's from the Ontario Liquor Board. The mag does indeed just get better all the time and the production quality is really first class. More and more provinces are now putting out their own versions.

Funny but as a G subscriber you

No letter telling me they are stopping the presses.

Just found this on the Gourmet site -- guess I will get 2 copies of BA:

"Please be advised that Gourmet magazine will cease publication after the November issue.

Subscribers can look forward to receiving Bon Appetit magazine for the remainder of their subscription. The website will remain available during a transitional period, and access to Gourmet recipes will also remain available via sister site and the Epi iPhone application.

We regret any inconvenience, and look forward to your continued readership. For questions about your Gourmet magazine subscription, please follow this link to subscription services."

IMHO Why don't you put your effort into finding old issues of Gourmet from the beginning. I have

a practically full set from about 1965 on and the articles about food history, travel and techniques are wonderfull. After all, recipes are all over especially here and on which I find addicting.

My fav. food mags: Gastronomica, Art of Eating, Saveur, Donna Hay

Gastronimica and Art of Eating have a more intellectual approach to food from a broader scope (no recipes.)

Saveur also looks at the broader scope of food and has a travelogue appeal as well, covering foods from all corners of the globe. Includes recipes.

Donna Hay, I must admit, I never cook from her magazine but the photography and the entertaining ideas are phenomenal. I seek this one out every chance I get.

Note: Gastronomica, Art of Eating and Donna Hay are on the expensive side but well worth it. Saveur is a bargain.
