Food poison? Has anyone ever gotten sick from eating kale??


Well-known member
I made a fresh kale salad with simple balsamic, olive oil dressing which sat in the fridge overnight marinating. While I was making dinner last night, I ate 4 bites to see how it was coming along. Other than that, hubby and I ate the same thing. 2 hours later...oh my!!! I was up every hour until 4am.

I always rinse my greens really well - especially the gritty ones. smileys/frown.gif

Sorry. If you washed them it's hard to imagine what could have made you sick. Did you and DH have

the same lunch? Usually it takes longer than 2 hours for food-borne illness to take effect.

We ate exactly the same thing except for that kale. Ate about 5:30

and was feeling sick by 8pm. Yes, I washed it really well. Oh well, thought maybe I had done something wrong!! Wont' be eating kale again for awhile...expensive organic stuff too.

But I'm saying it's possible you got sick from what you ate for lunch, or even breakfast.

It takes a while for the germs to manifest themselves. Either way though, I am sure you've lost your taste for kale, at least for a while.

If you Google kale + listeria, there have been a couple of outbreaks in the last few years.

And listeria lives unless you heat it/the food to 160*F, I think.

(I'm not discounting Joe's note that it sometimes takes foods a while to attack, though.) smileys/frown.gif Either way, sorry you suffered.

(I can't even look at mung beans after I accidentally let them ferment and wound up in a hospital in Prague after being crippled by whatever happened to them, once...)

shortest onset - Staph

The reason the onset of food poisoning due to Staph aureus is so short is because it is due to a toxin already present in the food. With most food poisonings, the bacteria are ingested and they need time to multiply before causing symptoms. The Staph toxins are already in the food when you eat it and they can cause illness very quickly after ingestion. Further, the toxins are not destroyed by cooking.

Great info! Thanks so much for linking! Everyone should have a copy of this posted in their kitchen!

I sent it to my kids for their nannies too!!

I had tempura the day before - 2 friends with me had the sushi and shared mine, but didnt get sick

Can rule that out. Awwww...I'm going with a random virus. But no, I may not be eating raw kale for awhile smileys/smile.gif

Sadly, so true. Taking food safety and sanitation in culinary school was a big eye

opener. Things I formerly though risk-free or low-risk are definitely not which is why I've become somewhat of a food-safety-nazi these days.

Glad to hear you're feeling better, cheezz.

When my aunt was going through chemo and radiation, she had to be very careful

with what she ate - green leafy vegetables are prone to carrying ickies and were on her foods to avoid list. Not surprising you could get something from kale or other leafy greens.

My mother taught me to soak all fresh greens in salt water for 5 minutes

if they weren't going to be cooked. Her theory was that osmosis would kill the bugs by sucking out their juices. When I started working as a business analyst in the food industry, I found out how dreadfully dangerous it was to eat salad in a restaurant, so I started using a weak potassium permanganate solution instead. I felt that it oxidised much more efficiently, and didn't soften the lettuce. I washed it off VERY thoroughly afterwards. Unfortunately, a friend from the lab I had worked in before spotted me doing this, and I noticed that she and other lab friends suddenly stopped eating salad in my house, so I reluctantly had to return to the salt water.
