This phrase (which I learned here) got me into trouble recently.
I was a chaperone at a high school German competition. We stayed in a hotel with plate glass windows giving onto the corridor. As I was returning to my room one evening, I found DD and 2 other girls standing inside their window, eating from tubs of ice-cream v-e-r-y slowly, looking tauntingly at the icecreamless boys gathered outside their window. As I walked past, my mouth opened all by itself and the words 'Food porn' popped out. Of course, the kids had never heard this term, and they were shocked and horrified. The girls didn't hear me, but the storm I released from the boys and adults outside drew them out of their room to find out. I just dived into my room and hid until everyone had gone.
I blamed it all on you guys, of course. In retrospect I find it funny (I love puns), but at the time I was mortified (and so was DD). Me and my big mouth.