For a really tasty tomato sauce try Marcella Hazan's Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter

Thanks for reminding me of this one - we used it to taste test canned tomatoes to see

if we could:

A) Taste the difference between brands

smileys/cool.gif Find out if we preferred San Marzano Italian Grown tomatoes vs "San Marzano Style" or "regular" canned tomatoes

Surprisingly, it is a very nicely flavored sauce without a bunch of extra ingredients required.

I agree that it's a good starter sauce. It was even better the next day. I made it using 2 lbs of

Roma tomatoes.

Side by side, we preferred the Italian SMs, but for the price difference -

we decided that the taste difference wasn't significant enough to pay for the costlier imports for most dishes we eat.

I did discover another type/brand that are very good - our store brand private label San Marzanos, I get them at Ralphs. I made the simple sauce last night with them, and they were very good, and for only $1.79 per 28 oz can, a steal!

Imported San Marzanos run $4-$5 here for the same size can.
