For anyone who was part of the Epicurious Chat Room of yore will remember Tom Bunyon, aka Cookie.


Well-known member
After suffering a stroke on Friday, Cookie was rushed to the hospital where it was discovered he was bleeding into his brain. Even after a weekend of heroic measures he declined quickly and yesterday he was disconnected from his respirator. He died peacefully moments later with his wife Dara at his side.

Cookie will be remembered for his love of Dara, good humour, genius behind the lens of a camera and his passion for trains.

Cookie became Tom on FaceBook and every morning his friends would be greeted with a photograph of a sunrise. He will be missed by his family and many friends around the world.

I have been AWOL for awhile but I check in often. I did want to join friends of Gail's

to honor our old friend and fellow chatter Cookieman whom Sylvia has eulogised beautifully. Cookie was truly a joy to know and will be missed. Dara, back in the day I was Pat/Harpers Ferry.

Hey there! Another lamb returns to the fold. Missed you girl!

PS: I still remember your uber-generous box of Texas goodies whenever I make anything southwestern.
