For Deb and Maria and anyone else who makes beautiful cookies: these look very elegant

Oh my - sooooo elegant! Thank you!

Absolutely exquisite.

I think if I made a smaller flower (especially from modeling chocolate) and place it so it was within the edge of the cookie it would work within cello.

Thanks Marilyn!

I made a batch of mirror glaze the other day

and it works so beautifully! Only used a TBSP or so, the rest went into the freezer.

I cannot access the photobucket cookie pictures at work so I went to their Web page and am drooling

over the magnificent photos of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, tortes, pies and macarons. Their special occasion cakes are truly gorgeous. Bobbette and Belle are true artists when it comes to dressing up desserts!

wigs, are you logged into Photobucket? Maybe that's why you can't view them?

Login: Finer_Kitchens
PW: Thanks_Mimi

Beautiful! So stealing this idea! Marilyn, I’m growing edible flowers just for these reason

I’m on a kick of wanting to add edible flowers to everything because it’s so gorgeous. The only way I can get good access to edible flowers is to grow my own. I’ve planted but so far only my nasturtiums are flowering yet.
