For griddler owners, what is your favorite use for it besides paninis?

Hands down: flat bacon... all the kids ask if Auntie will make them flat bacon if I'm in anyway involved in making breakfast no matter where we are.

Bacon in, set timer for 3 mins, walk away, come back to perfect flat no mess bacon. Love, love, love it for bacon.

I've made griiled pizzas.

Place the dough on the grill, and close so that the top does not quite touch the dough. The dough will rise, and both sides will get grilled. This would take a few minutes, maybe 3 min, until lightly browned.

Open it up, add the toppings, and close again, making sure that the top half does NOT touch the toppings. The cheese will melt, and get all gooey.

When I make pizza like this, I use toppings that are fully cooked, and are sliced fairly thin.


Open flat, griddle side turned to 300 degrees, butter, then eggs.

I have the eggs already cracked open and in a little cup. When it starts to set, I break that envelope of white (albumen?) so the whites smoothe out and cook more evenly. You've got to corral it, though, or it will want to run right off the edges.

Scrambled is even easier.

I do this last...when the potatoes (pre-cooked and chilled) are already golden (those need some butter too), the bacon is almost done (foam is showing on the top), toast has been flipped and coffee is waiting for its 3-minute delay to plunge.

Mine is old and has no var heat setting so I'd try med then take a peek

But I tell you if I only made bacon in this it would be worth it. I preheat, then toss in the bacon for 3 mins and it is perfect and crisp, 3 1/2 is extra crispy.
