For heaven's sake! Do recipe directions written like this make you

I agree! Give me the directions and put the cute crap in the notes where I can ignore them.

LOL! I know. After reading this to the big guy and laughing

about the theatrics I rewrote it in 3 simple lines. ppffff

Right, it just doesn't translate! Too many words. Don't they have editors at epi?

well, that was weird. I went back into my post to correct an error and when I hit SAVE, it

went to cloud KEWL (I think).
Looked like an archive site.

When it came back, my message was empty.

Maybe Nigella has spies out?

Nigella seems intimidating to me. Have you noticed that the camera is always at counter level?

As if the cameraman is cowering in fear?

don't you find that the English shows seem to have peculiar camera work---jamie oliver's bounces all

over the place, so does Nigella's and at odd angles.

I'm all over that with most recipes...

A little aside. Austrian cookbooks assume you know how to cook, and this is pretty much the instruction you get. It is indeed refreshing.
