For people who make ice cream...


OK so I just got a new ice cream machine...

I only want the best ice cream, so I use all organic ingredients, and to make it creamy I use raw egg yolks... The only problem is that using too many of those makes it eggy tasting (gross!).

I'm totally new at this, so I've been researching it a little bit, and it looks like to me the best thickeners to use are guar gum, locust bean gum, and food grade carrageenan (not the toxic degraded carrageenan).

Which of these thickeners are the best? Or are there any better ones? I'm looking for the most natural and best tasting ones

Thanks for any comments

(p.s. unless it's a few tablespoons i really don't want to be adding cream to it, yeah and people keep telling me that egg yolks have a lot of fat, but in their raw form its a different type of fat which actually goes to cushioning your brain and joints, not your thighs!!)
