RECIPE: For Ruth AB, REC: Ground Sirloin Souffle w/Horseradish Sherbert >>>



Well-known member
Hi Ruth,

finally, I remembered to bring this recipe for you - hope you try it, it's really nice!

REC: Ground Sirloin Souffle

1/2 lb ground sirloin (I grind my own with the cuisinart)

4 Tbl butter

3 Tbl flour

Cup of beef bouillon

5 egg yolks

6 egg whites

In the top of a double boiler, melt 3 tbl of butter, stir in the flour, cook for several minues, and then add the bouillon. Stir constantly until this is rich and thick.

In a skillet melt the rest of the butter; add the sirloin, mash this up and cook it until the pink has disappeared, then add to the bouillon mixture. Beat the egg yolks, add them also, and take the top of the double boiler off the fire. Allow this to cool for 20 min.

At that time, beat the egg whites until they are stiff and creamy, then add a quarter of them to the sirloin mixture and beat thoroughly. Now dribble all this over the remaining egg whites, lift and fold carefully, and then slide into a buttered, floured souffle dish and cook in a 350 preheated oven until puffed and browned, 25 to 30 minutes.

REC: Horseradish Sherbet

3 Tbl sour cream

1 tsp applesauce

1 tsp freshly grated or bottled (and drained) horseradish

Mix all these ingredients together thoroughly in a bowl and place in the freezer. Look at it every half-hour or so, and give it a stir; you want this to be the consistency of a mushy sherbet. Of course, you must start this long before you make the souffle. A teaspoonful of this cold mixture is surprising and wonderful with the hot souffle.

From "Suppers and Midnight Snacks" by George Bradshaw.

With this, he recommends cold shrimps in lemon juice and peppers, and sweet bell peppers sauteed, and apple tarts for dessert. serve with Black Velvet (stout mixed with Champagne).
