For those brave souls willing to risk losing an eyeball: egullet's threads on preserving

I'm amazed anyone would post something that detailed and complete... a website. I see he is labeled as a "host", so maybe egullet is his website?



People on that site take their food and craft very seriously. I've seen posts by names I recognize,

Paula Wolfert, for one. I read a fascinating thread once upon a time about cooking dried beans, it changed the way I go about it now and the beans are better. I believe the method was first published in the LA Times by Russ Parsons and he was a contributor on the thread.

Yeah, I am familiar with the skill level of many of the regulars there. They...

...are professionals, and that's what that site is keyed for.

I wonder if the guy who posted the canning tutorial has a blog.


jackal10 who wrote up the canning instructions also has an excellent sourdough thread in there...

He is very detailed and explains everything very well, he is the UK so some words may be different, but he gets his point across!
