For those of us with the chock-full freezers. Vindication?

C1 - Thanks, forwarded to my mom; who also has a packed freezer. My big "find"

last week.... Refrigerator meatballs; I know, I make wonderful meatballs, but we all need a quick dish every once in a while. They are 12oz containers, sold in the meat section, relatively low sodium, real beef etc. Anyway, they are priced $4.49; on sale this week for $2.99. Our supermarket butcher puts coupons on all items that are close to expiry. The meatballs had a $2.00 coupon on them!!! Can you imagine .$99 for 12 oz of meatballs!! I was so excited! I love to have a quick go to dish. The irony is that they still had 2 days on them for expiration.

This is an example of why I get frustrated with bil and sil. Whenever I see them or go in their cars, they are filled with McD and BK bags. I know that they both are working extra hard with todays economy (like everyone), and am so confused why they don't shop/eat smarter. ((I love a bargain!!))

Now that's what I call a bargain. I love finding Murray's organic chicken breasts a day before

the sell by date. They're $6-7 a lb, individually packed whole breasts. They don't fly out the door at that price. If I can find any in the case that have an sell by date of the next day, they'll mark them down for me. I've paid as low as $2 a lb, usually $3, depending upon who's doing the marking down. The smaller ones are great for Rolled Chicken Washington as it's a whole breast that's usually still in one piece.

THANK YOU CURIOUS!!! Hubby was just fussing at me this weekend

about my fully stocked freezer and pantry. He was REALLY going off about it. Not that I am going to bring it up but if he does... nanna nanna boo boo!!!

I'm not sure those refrigerator meatballs would be any healthier than the McD or BK stuff

unless they used them with whole wheat pasta, and offered a side dish of fresh veggies and a fresh green salad, home made, of course. I've tried many of the store bought meatballs and many have been good, not excellent - but loaded with calories. 3 - to 5 meatballs can be 350 or more calories, it is crazy. Eating healthy does take some planning and unfortunately, many folks today, never think about meals until just minutes before it is time to eat. Sad, isn't it.

Karen, agreed, they probably are not much healthier. Was actually thinking of the cost. I

am sure a night out for a family of 4 at a fast food restaurant is more $$. Last week was meatballs, the week before they had fabulous prices / coupons on chicken. Was not thinking healthy as much as $$. (Which is what I always hear from them as to why they go there)

I know, I know, so many people tell me about the $$$, that they can't afford to buy healthy foods

My retort to them is, "can you afford the resulting Dr. bills by NOT eating healthy?" The look on their face is priceless. Most Farmer's Markets reduce their produce/products if you go later in the day, towards closing. Their selection may not be as varied, but the prices are great. Also, co-ops are great, with good prices, as are CSA boxes. Of course growing your own is even better and so much can be grown in pots, if there is no garden space.

My big finds are chicken thighs marked down at the local SmartNFinal. . .

Got 'em last year for 49 cents a pound; they were going out of date. Stripped the skin off of them and popped two or three into each jar and pressure canned them up, didn't need to add water and only added half the recommended amount of salt, or no salt at all. Did upwards of 2 canner loads, at least 40 jars last year; I only canned the stuff I found on sale.

Those home-canned thighs make the BEST chicken and dumplings you have ever had. The chicken flavor is so intense that I can thin the canned chicken juice by at least double the amount (and usually more) of water and still get a wonderful chicken flavor. Beats boiling those thighs on top of the stove.

I now have shelf-stable chicken for enchiladas, tacos, chicken and dumplings, thai yellow curry, shredded barbeque chicken sandwiches. . . I've gotta find some more on sale!

Boy do I ever miss Smart and Final. I loved shopping at that store.

Great prices, great selection and no crowds. I have never pressure canned because it makes me so nervous. What was the first thing you pressure canned? I have a huge pressure canner that I bought and has never been used. Any advice? Thanks!
