FOUND: 2 year old turkey in deep freezer


Well-known member
Should I bother making stock out of it or not? It's a no-name one that hubby was given at work....

I really need to clean out that freezer. It was nestled in with pie crust and tulip bulbs that were bought before we moved in 3 years ago.

Of is fine, as long as your freezer was kept at freezing temps

I agree to section it, roast, and then make your stock the usual way. I like to roast my veggies sometimes, as well.

Desertjean, I had a turkey in my freezer for 14 months, trust me don't cook it, it was awful and it

smelled when I put it in the oven roaster. We have a fairly new Maytag 27cu. side by side and like you I needed to clean out my freezer and came across a Butterball (18lb) turkey I had bought after Thanksgiving one year & 14 months later I wanted to make if for Valentines Day. My first clue should have been the smell. Gross, anyway, I still have a hard time eating turkey.

But, maybe it got freezer burn or something, either way, I would advise against it.

I don't know...smell can permeate even frozen food. Trust me, Dad used to put "not very well

wrapped" pike in the freezer because he didn't want Mom to flip out on him when he'd come home from fishing over the weekend. Mom HATED to debone fish and Dad didn't do it very well. (Personally, I think Mom just waited until Dad went on his next fishing trip, then tossed them out. But she's not telling.)

EVERYTHING in there ended up smelling like fish. Even the stuff that was frozen before the fish got in there.

Fish smell especially! I dried a salmon with dishtowels once, then washed the towels with a bunch of

clothes. Had to rewash everything two more times to get the smell out.

I'm going to take a "Thaw and See/Smell" approach to this.

Since I don't have fish in the deep-freeze and it's not a frost-free, I am going to thaw and see how it looks/smells. If it's looks ok I'll go ahead and roast it first, then put it in for stock.

Thanks for the help!

And maybe while it's roasting and everyone else is working I'll clean out that darn freezer....

Please report back on the results? It might surprise you since the freezer's not


I baked up a roasting chicken I'd had in the freezer for about that long once. Results were pretty dry and tough meat, but it might have been that I went for cocktails at a neighbors hosue and left it in the oven too long, lol.
