Found this and thought it is interesting - Pumpkin Cream Pie made with cream cheese and cardamon -

rvb - You are the best. Made me have a great big laugh when I read this. How are you feeling?

generally good, gay. grazie.

my neurologist has almost completely run out very nasty things that i Don't have (which{of course} is good), but the tests get wearying for the taking.

the last will be a spinal tap. ugh. i'm not totally sure by what this will prove me unfettered (prolly epilepsy or mange).

we may be heading to a cure through chiropracty for nerves wracked with rather rocklike rhomboids (say that 3 times fast!).

and massage.

oooooh! this i could live with.

in 6 days i shall be SPEAKY SPOOKEY...

and dine on flies chaney (not cheney {i think - he didn't say}).
