Fractal Snowflake Cupcakes

this was worth reading just for "optimal geek chow" . fascinating and use up your fondant.

How amazing, I like their laymen's explanations. Reminds me that I found a knitting site

that has suggestions for knitting using the Fibonacci sequence (for striping). I love when art and math collide! If I ever make something like that, even though it's NFR I will post a picture...

I don't think so, you're just looping yarn around 2 sticks!

My Granny showed me how when I was a kid and after she died I stopped. But 2 years ago I took a class at a local yarn shop with my sister and it's snowballed from there. You should find your local shop and see their class schedule. I have never been to a shop without everyone being so nice and helpful and encouraging.

The nicest part of knitting to me is that of helps me relax and destress because I have to pay attention to the moment. The tension in my body and mind is reflected in the fabric I create so it keeps me on point. Also, the feel of the soft squishy yarn in my hands, the satiny wooden knitting needles and the colors of the yarn, it's such a tactile and visual pleasure - like cooking! The feel of the food, the knives, the heat/cold, the feeling you are creating something out of nothing, the parallels are amazing!

I hope you try it and PM me if you need help finding a store!

Yes, take a class. one class should get you started. I have been knitting too much---tendonitis!

I just make soft hats for cancer patients----easy and can be done with round needles until the decrease on top. I knit continental style, which is supposed to be easier on the joints, but I still get sore. a good read " the Friday night knitting group". It's going to be a movie with Julia Roberts.

That was a great book! I cried most of the way through it, good thing I was knitting a particularly

absorbent sock at the time! I have some repetitive motion injuries but find knitting doesn't aggravate it unless I'm doing lace. Are you on Ravelry? I'm HeatherinSF there...

yes to Ravelry. same ID as here. I haven't figured out that site yet. I have several free hat

patterns from them though.
