FRC: Food photography is not easy. I've been reading up on it since one of my goals...


Well-known member to put together our family cookbook before I turn 51. I want to include a few photos, so I searched the internet for food photography tips.

It appears that professional quality food photography is quite an art, and one that is not easily mastered. In fact, many photography sites describe it as the most difficult area of commercial photography to become proficient in, and one of the most lucrative when you do.

I found some good advice for our little cookbook in the process and my son, the one with the artistic bent, will help out on the project enthusiastically. I want a simple record of the "keepers" and the family heirloom recipes as well. Since holiday cooking is such a big part of our family identity, we will do sections on that, including past menus. The holiday section should have a really nice photo selection, as the festivities tend to be, well, 'festive' and the food quite colorful.

Anyhow, I just thought I'd mention that I learned quite a bit about photographing food from a number of sources. I've included a link to one site that gave very succinct and useful tips for the beginner. I learned a lot.


Thanks, Michael...mine has improved, but it's much more

complicated than I ever imagined. I may have to break down and buy some lights!

Thanks so much!

I've been considering getting a macro lens, but decided to read a little more and try to learn my way through the set up I already have.

I sign up for the weekly digest of the site, maybe they can help me improve a little...

Food Styling: The Art of Preparing Food for the Camera is a treasure trove of info. It's way

more involved than you probably need, but for $40 on Amazon, it's a STEAL. This book is the motherload and everything you need to know when it comes to making that plate look great. Without a doubt, it's one of the most valuable books in my collection.

Note: I have hired several food photographers & stylists and make it a point to sit in on photo shoots for my clients. I know the subject very well, although that's not my personal area of focus. As you're finding out, food photography can be quite tedious.

Thanks, ladies, for the resources. I'm going to dig deeper and try to get my skills up.

My son received a very nice digital SLR camera for Christmas from his Grandfather. He will no doubt learn a few tricks from helping put together the cookbook, using these tutorials.

Thanks again!


I may need to get some you have a recommendation for what to use with your bulbs?

Food photography is new for me

I have done a lot of professional photography, but never until the last month tried food photography. I use to have studio lights, backgrounds, reflectors, and have done wedding, police, music album covers, etc.

Now, I am starting over and learning about food and photography.
