FRC: For anyone stuck in the Classic Rock Era, this Target commercial ...

No inside joke. The song is iconic to the late '70's, early 80's rock crowd, and is ...

...titled "For Those About To Rock...".

The opening of the song is instantly recognizable if you're a fan from that era, and I thought it was well constructed from a film editing standpoint.

Got me goin'.


My friend, I was waitressing in a pool hall when "Highway to Hell" was

so popular. I think it was about every third song played on the jukebox. I get it. Along with Bad Company, Nazareth, Led Zeppelin, Blue Oyster Cult, Steely Dan, etc. About all I listen to is oldies.

Yuppo! It's hard to swallow... the "oldies" part. I turned 50 a few weeks ago...

...and I'm still in denial.

My wife says we are now "officially on the young end of old".


Very cool! Wonder if they would use a kitchen timer for hells bells or burned food w/ Back in black

What's the reference to the M.O.M.? I mean I know it spells Mom (heheh) but did they

have a song with a similar . . .? I'm just curious! 'Must say I never really followed AC/DC. I was more the Dan Fogelburg type ;o)

This morning I was watching Rachel Ray on tv and she had a guy who made pancakes in all shapes with all sorts of intricate details - adding colors from fruits, etc. It's at the link. He used a squeeze bottle.

LOVE this. Love how the blueberries hit the batter right along with the chords.

AC/DC is my husband's favorite band. We almost named our son Angus--we just liked the name, but it fit with DH's love for AC/DC and my family's ranching background (Angus beef).
