FRC - for those with problems with blood sugar or insulin-resistance problems


Well-known member
This is kind of a funny story, and it might help you out too, if you have type-2 diabetes or are insulin-resistant, etc.

Every once in a while (I keep a log, and was able to go back and check) - usually on a Monday and/or Wednesday or Thursday, I was noticing that my morning blood glucose levels were low - not LOW, low, but low for me, as I tend to have higher-than-normal readings in the mornings (the "Dawn Effect", no pun intended!).

I started looking over what I had eaten the day and night before, and I had eaten peanut butter the night before. Why? - here's where it gets kind of funny - because I watch Big Brother on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights and if you are a fan, you might remember when they used to give the losing teams only peanut butter and jelly to eat for the entire week.

Subconsciously (or maybe not so much SUB anymore), I get a craving for peanut butter while watching it now, and reach for half of a peanut butter sandwich. It must do something to my metabolism, and keep my blood sugar normal pretty much all night, into the next morning.

Strange, but I thought I'd share... it might help you out. I've noticed that avocados do the same thing for me too.

The fat and protein content prolongs the absorption of carbos. Hence the glucose

highs the morning after eating something like pizza. That's why type 1 bedtime snacks often include milk or a fatty protein like cheese or pb along with a plain starch. Many moons ago when I worked at a summer camp for diabetics, staff had rotating "pb duty" -- to treat insulin reactions, we made pb sandwiches and distributed them with jugs of corn syrup in caches around camp. The corn syrup was to bring up the blood sugar quickly, and the pb sandwich was to provide an energy source till the next meal.

So if you experience the dawn effect -- usually a hormone-driven glucose spike after a low BS -- then the pb sandwich is preventing your drop but isn't raising your BS too much. If I was in your shoes I'd experiment with a whole pb sandwich and see if my morning test was in the normal range.

Didn't know about the avocado, though! Since I'm having one with my lunch tomorrow, I'll watch what happens.

You might be interested to know there is a Mens Bread that is a protein bread, we love it, it holds

blood sugar at healthy level for hours. I love to toast it and spread almond butter on, yum! I've tried the women's bread...I don't care for it at all.

You can find it at a wild oats store or whole foods type stores.

Ang, it's French Meadow Bakery Men's Bread for vitality and energy, low glycemic index

contains pumpkin, flax seed, fava beans, etc. They comment on the zinc in the bread being good for men's prostate.

The women's bread tasted, to me, nothing more than 'supposedly' whole wheat bread you'd get in the grocery. The only reason they call it women's bread is because of the cranberries for the bladder. There are no good crunchies in the women's bread like there is in the men's bread. I love it!!!!
