Yesterday I finally got the side house/backyard garden planted! I know it's late in the season, but with limited help it was all I could do to get it in by now.
In this garden (all organic and/or biodynamic organic):
1 zucchini
2 UFO yellow squash
4 eggplants, 2 kinds
6 bell peppers: 2 red, 2 orange and 2 purple
2 artichokes
And all those tomatoes (21! in total - 5 out front; most all are different types)
will likely stick some leftover basil/etc. from the front in here and there.
And I about died of heatstroke getting them in. I kept having to take breaks, so it took all day. I soaked my feather pillow (yuk) and my face was beet red for hours, but I got it done!
I just finished the deep soak watering of the new garden plants. Seeing one plant looking sad, I stepped on the first stepping stone to walk toward it. Well, the ground with much compost (3.5 yards) just got 45 mins of water, so the stone tipped and sank! I tipped but thankfully only tipped except for reaching out with feet to get balance where I promptly sank to above my ankles in mud. With my good, formerly white, flip-flops on. However unlike many other occasions of this tip over nature, the only harm was mud vs. any broken bones/torn ligaments. Sad're on your own.
In this garden (all organic and/or biodynamic organic):
1 zucchini
2 UFO yellow squash
4 eggplants, 2 kinds
6 bell peppers: 2 red, 2 orange and 2 purple
2 artichokes
And all those tomatoes (21! in total - 5 out front; most all are different types)
will likely stick some leftover basil/etc. from the front in here and there.
And I about died of heatstroke getting them in. I kept having to take breaks, so it took all day. I soaked my feather pillow (yuk) and my face was beet red for hours, but I got it done!
I just finished the deep soak watering of the new garden plants. Seeing one plant looking sad, I stepped on the first stepping stone to walk toward it. Well, the ground with much compost (3.5 yards) just got 45 mins of water, so the stone tipped and sank! I tipped but thankfully only tipped except for reaching out with feet to get balance where I promptly sank to above my ankles in mud. With my good, formerly white, flip-flops on. However unlike many other occasions of this tip over nature, the only harm was mud vs. any broken bones/torn ligaments. Sad're on your own.