FRC: Just a heads up on changes at Whole Foods, at least at the store where I shop.


Well-known member
I've noticed much better prices on some of the produce. Recently, I've had really, really good peaches from Colorado priced at $1.50 a lb. one week and down to .98 a lb the next. Large avocadoes were .68 each for a couple of weeks, Swiss chard is $1.50 a bunch now and assorted kinds of cherry tomatoes are $2.99 a pint and it's the large open pint that is a lb or more, not the 10 oz "pint" I usually see other places. Those are a few examples and I realize other locations will vary, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the lower prices.

How odd...I stopped at our WF yesterday because you mentioned the peaches and they

were $3.99 for rock hard organics (Georgia) and $2.39 for conventional, so I passed. Paid $2.99 for an avocado and $3.99/lb for an organic heirloom but only just because I've been craving a good BLT with avocado.

I did get two cheeses (cheddar and gruyere) for $4 each.
Organic milk was actually cheaper than Publix and Walmart has started to carry my favorite yogurt (Greek Gods Honey), so I could pass up WFs container (which was almost a dollar more).

I guess it varies greatly state by state and store by store. These changes are recent, perhaps

they will keep making changes elsewhere. HEB which is the Texas Version of Florida's Publix has started carrying a lot of organic produce at good prices. I think it has caused WF to take stock of their prices.

WF is also dedicated to buying local produce (although the CA peaches

wouldn't be "local"). Also loss leaders.
