FRC: Just as I feared - my A1C is slightly above normal. Waaaaaah


Well-known member
Any advice? I know lose weight, exercise and stop eating sweets - we're working on that. But what we're already doing apparently isn't enough. And after I ate really well this past week smileys/frown.gif

Thanks for sharing! Colleen

Is one week enough time? . I just heard this morning that the mother of one of our friends who is

82 years old, was diagnosed pre-diabetic at one time. She took 6 months off of her regular life, ate healthy, did exercise, lost 35 pounds and at 6 month test, her numbers were back to normal. She has maintained that normal level by living healthy.

It's not just "sweets"--it is carbs. High protein low carb diet.Atkins or South Beach.

Gotta cut down/out pasta and bread and potatoes too. Look up the good carbs--zuke, tomatoes, lettuce, kale, etc.


Eliminating processed foods will help. Surprising how much sugar is added to foods that are processed. Cut down on fruits and increase fresh vegetables(either raw or cooked). I also have to be very careful with my diet because of sl. elevated A1C. I also am watchful of dairy products. My numbers are much better now!

You are right - one week is not enough smileys/wink.gif I was joking around

Supposedly A1C measures 3 months, or so.

I know that all of my winter clothes shrunk in the closet over the summer like CynUpstateNY. I hate when that happens smileys/smile.gif

Healthy living is what we're working on - logical approach. Thank-you for sharing. Colleen

Summer has been good to us - great produce

We generally follow carb addicts diet - high protein, low carb. And eat a ton of veggies and salads. My weight is up since the flood last fall (but down roughly 12 pounds since June).

We fell off the wagon - and I got caught. smileys/smile.gif Our plan is to get back to "fighting weight". We're on the way. Colleen

dh went on Paelo; it worked for his blood work, weight, etc... Then we went to hawaii for summer

vacation, and then he went back to my old dh.... : )

and I am sure he will not be happy with his next round of blood work. But he did find really good results with paleo.

Dr recommended it for him based on similar bloodwork.

Thanks everyone! I researched and found

that I'm still in the limbo range before pre-diabetes designation. This was my 1st A1C test and my results do not correlate with the standard Blood Glucose/A1C conversion - for the worse, actually. My Blood Glucose is low but A1C is higher than predicted by "average" calculation. So I'm concerned but not panicked.

I appreciate all of the advice shared. Will be using your tips to lose an additional 15 pounds over the (Michigan) winter - a challenge! Warm regards, Colleen
