FRC: Salting eggplant questions


Well-known member
I think that I am oversalting my eggplant slices when letting them sit to absorb the bitterness because I am unable to remove the salt with a wet paper towel and end up having to rinse and dry the slices, which changes the color and (I think) degrades the eggplant a bit. Will you please share what you are doing to make this procedure successful? Colleen

Colleen, if you used less salt it will take a bit longer, but the eggplant won't be as salty.

I lay the slices out on paper towels to salt them and I think the paper absorbs some of the salty liquid.

Thanks for the suggestion - love your eggplant parm recipe!

Making Briami, with eggplant added, today. Can't wait for it to be done! Colleen

My successful procedure is to simply skip that ordeal

This is an old wives tale about salting to remove bitterness. You cook the eggplant, it's not bitter. Salting removes moisture if you're looking to do that.

I never waste my time on this. I just slice and go.

Also, buy small young eggplants, not those big tough and leathery ogres with the big seeds.

I'm glad to hear this. I skip too and wonder what I'm missing cuz it turns out just fine.

Im with you on big tough eggplants--if an eggplant is bitter it's too old. But I think salting

improves the texture of the cooked dish, even with baby eggplant. To me, unsalted eggplant can have a squeaky, rubbery mouth feel. Also, it seems to soak up more oil if fried.
