FRC: So Good You'll Scream? A Cookbook From Horror Icon Vincent Price

I've owned this cookbook for many, many years. It is wonderful. Glad to see it reissued.

I have it also, but haven't made anything I remember from it. Do you have any favorite recipes?

I've heard there's a recipe for manicotti or something like from Sardi's that's really good. And I think our Michael in Phoenix recommends the House Bread. Must go look for that cookbook.

My sons grew up on this bread. Very good!

I found a copy of this book in a thrift store once. They wanted $2. I tried to pay them $20, but they wouldn't take it. That particular edition was going for nearly $100 per copy online, and I told them so. They insisted I pay just $2.

I ended up sending it to a friend here on the swap as a gift.

It is a wonderful peek into the 50s, 60s dining scene, worldwide.

Boccone Dolce is awesome, too. Herb bread is good. Stuffed mushrooms, named after his daughter. Friday Chicken was the first recipe where I saw the technique of stuffing the capon under the breast skin. Good stuff!


There is a slight bit of flavor imparted, but it is not significant. I remember my Mom telling me..

...that German bakers always put a small amount of ground ginger in bread recipes with yeast. She said it helps the yeast rise better.

I'm guessing that is why it's in there.

