FRC - Suggestions on how to pick a rump roast?


Well-known member
I've never bought a rump roast before and want to make Ang's crockpot rump roast with peppers for Italian beef sandwiches. What should I look for?

Also, would you do 2-2.5 pound roasts or 1-5 pound roast, if I have a choice? Should I plan for even more meat to have enough to enjoy?

Thank-you, Colleen

I love that recipe! I use a chuckeye roast that I've trimmed of fat .

The butcher told me it was more flavorful than a rump roast.It's going to fall apart anyway, so it's probably easier to use the 2-2.5 pound roasts.

more is better! it freezes well. one jar of peppers is enough for more meat too. taste for hotness

if the peppers are really hot you may want to use less, but with long slow cooking and the juices that develop the spiciness tones down. enjoy!

That does sound interesting! A caveat, though...

Cooking may tone down spiciness a bit, but freezing the cooked meat will ramp it back up again.

Some flavors diminish in the freezer, hot pepper is not one of them! The dish will be spicier when defrosted than it was going into the freezer.
