FRC: Those of you who do not have a dishwasher and wash them


Well-known member
by hand, don't you wash the bottom of your plates?! I was talking to a woman the other day while a few of us were helping a mutual friend. She had done the cooking, so I pitched in and was washing the few dishes that were piling up in the sink.

She (the one I didn't really know) had owned a restaurant a while ago, and was giving me "tips" for doing the dishes as she continued to hover over me as I worked. (Hmm, how many thousands of dishes have I washed in my life?) Anyway, she said never stack plates or pans "because then you have to wash the bottom of them", leave the washed items underwater until you rinse them all at once, and when you do rinse them, never run the water full force.

Call me silly, but I always wash the bottoms. It would feel like washing just one hand if I didn't. Am I weird here? I think I'm running into a bunch of menopausal woman this summer!

Don't stack them?

Where does she keep her plates, all in single file layers all over the house? Of course I wash the bottom, and no, if I wash it I'm not putting it back in dirty water before rinsing.


I meant to say that she said "Don't stack the dirty dishes" because you

get the grime on the bottom of the top plate. Frankly, I think she is little OCD. Or a control freak (or both!).

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the odd one out. I think of her conversation every time I do the dishes now. lol

Of course you wash all sides of the plates and usually I rinse them before stacking

if I'm going to be a bit lazy and leave them in the sink a bit. My little countertop dishwasher won't get stuck on food off dishes so I give everything a going over with a brush before loading and the brush gets washed then too.

I wash most my dishes by hand because it takes forever for 2 people to

fill a full sized dishwasher. I have one large sink instead of two smaller ones. (Sorry to all of you who have 2 smaller ones I just don't get them at all. How do you wash a big pot?) I don't fill my sink with water and use it to wash my dishes, to me that's like washing dishes with dirty water. I run the water and wash and rinse one dish at the time, BOTH SIDES!! ( I know that is pretty wasteful of the water and I try to be as conservative as I can. I do try to make up for it in lots of others ways if that counts for anything, LOL!!! ).

Top & bottom. I was taught by my mom who used to work in a restaurant. She'd pull a

chair up to the sink, I'd stand on it, she'd wash TOP and BOTTOM, then hand it to me. I'd rinse it in the other sink and stack.
