FRC - What am I missing? Coconut water = salty, flavorless dishwater


Well-known member
I bought some the other day because I really like the taste of coconut. Bleechhh! It really didn't have much of a taste, just a wierd salty taste. I see it has little salt, but lots of potassium. Good for you, I guess, but...

Dawn, I don't know how you are getting the coconut water but. . .

I dearly love the water from a "drinking" coconut, that is the water from a young, immature coconut. Somewhat barely sweet, sort of a bready taste and you have the immature, jelly-like (when very young) or soft coconut meat to eat as well as the water to drink. Tastes good to me.

Allow the Brazilian to speak....

First of all, the "proper" way to enjoy coconut water is straight from the coconut, sold in beaches everywhere in Brazil, very very very cold. Skilled guys with a HUGE sword cut the coconut open with three or four precise cuts on top, to show the "eyes" of the coconut. Straws are inserted, and the happy customer goes lay down in the sun enjoying one of the most wonderful drinks ever!

Of course, a drink so good "had" to be marketed (sigh). Bottled coconut water now is available everywhere, in many different brands. They all pale in comparison to the real thing, and I believe depending on the brand you get, it can be pretty nasty

sad, isn't it?

Sally, interesting to hear your perspective. I recall reading something in NYT (?),that coconut H20

has become the new hot item. They were siting stats on the stock prices of a few of the companies, it was amazing! dh does not like coconut, I do not like to work out : ), so it never entered my mind....BUT, wouldn't have been fun to invest early! Even if it was only $10.00! Apparently, it is all the "rage," especially with celebrities.

I do recall reading that it was watered down, and nothing like the real coconut water, as you describe.

Oh Well! I missed the boat, yet again!!

Hmm! That's interesting - yeah, blood plasma, that's about what it tasted

like what I imagine serum would taste like - hahah - yeuckk...

It was Vita Coco, and yes, it must've been one of the "nasty" ones Sally mentioned. It was in a carton, labeled "all natural", saying it was from green, immature coconuts, and it contained 330 mg potassium and 60 mg sodium. I know from experience that potassium has a bitter taste.

I remember my father cracking open brown, adult coconuts (maybe that's the difference) when I was a kid, and draining the milk for us to drink - it was very different from this. That stuff was good and actually tasted like coconut. You must have to get it directly from the beach... the cartons of it must be processed somehow to extend the shelf life to make it all the way to New York :eek:)

Thanks for the info everyone.

Dawn I've not wanted to even try coconut water here. In Jamaica someone opened a coconut for us

to drink and I thought it was just AWFUL. Since then I've heard folks say the young coconuts' water is quite delicious but I wouldn't know....

I was discussing this very thing with a friend of mine who is very fit and active. We both...

...have been training in gyms for many years and have seen time and time again the newest miracle supplement, piece of equipment or training diet/regime that promises, well, miracles.

The coconut water thing is the newest "miracle".

Some of these things have stood the test of time, so it isn't all bad, but when I think of the billions of dollars people spend on stuff and most of it is of limited or no value... oy.

The onslaught of advertisers that descended on my Dad as he got on in years, pushing "natural cures" for everything from diabetes to sexual dysfunction to hearing loss was amazing. Newsletters, junk mail, books, tapes, courses, testimonials, etc. It was mind boggling! A couple of times I had to get on the phone and threaten a company with a lawsuit if they didn't stop calling him!

I'm not against natural healing per se, but the snake oil salesman is alive and well and lurking just passed your 50th birthday.


Haha, just lurking past your 50th birthday. I bought it because I really like

the taste of coconut, which is why I was disappointed. The carton stuff has no trace of a coconut taste! I didn't know until I posted, that it was the latest cure-all...
