FRC: What is your opinion on this "obesity" tax proposed by our new governor?


Well-known member
He is proposing a 3-fold tax (that would be 26%) on non-diet sodas sold in grocery stores. Isn't this a little bizarre - how about cookies, cakes, and potato chips then?! Maybe prime rib and mayonnaise are next!

From the state's website: "Some notable revenue increases include: A new, additional 18 percent sales tax on non-diet soft drinks to combat obesity and related diseases."

He's not my nutritionist, nor my mother! Does this strike anyone else as being more than a little creepy?

Short-sighted, yes!! LOL also, just another tax, on an already taxed item. Where is King George

when you need him?

Exactly. So, in other words, the stupid governor is rewarding people for drinking chemicals and

punishing them for consuming sugar. The whole thing is another absurd move by another absurd politician.

No kidding! I get an instant headache when I drink even a few sips of diet soda, and I'm not

a person at all prone to headaches. Yikes, what is in those diet sodas? Scratch that, don't want to know, don't drink them anymore.

I was going to say that, but don't know what the research-of-the-day has

shown lately. Saccharine, Nutrisweet, Splenda - they have all had controversies and I hope the powers that be, bring that up. It's not a definate tax yet, but might be by next summer. "King George", right!

Not to mention that I recently heard that the highest consumption of diet-sodas

is what group? The overweight! Research showed that it doesn't trick the body into thinking that it's had something sweet as it was intended to, and actually makes you crave real sugar even more, so you end up INcreasing your total daily calorie intake!

I read that in a magazine somewhere but the suits came and took it out of my house ;o)

You hit it right on...Doesn't make sense. At our Thanksgiving party, I noticed a few "Kids"

drinking soda, which surprised me; but their parents were emphatic that they were only allowed non-diet.

A few months before I got pregnant, I gave up Diet Coke.

I was shocked, seriously, at how hard it was to give it up. Going to decaf tea was no problem at all, but I still crave Diet Coke, even a year later. Makes me wonder exactly what was in the Diet Coke to make me so addicted.

I gave up artificial sweeteners years ago and my migraines declined somewhat,

my mom's reduced almost by half. The fewer the better! I've found the only artificial sweetener free chewing gum in the US is good ole Doublemint, and my dentist says its okay to have it (except its bad for the jaw). Five years ago (yea!!! five years!) I had a terrible illness due to being poisoned by a prescription drug and was lucky to have survived. The wonderful docs at UCSF told me to not take medication or vitamins of any kind ever again (with a few exceptions and knowing they are a risk), and this included artificial sweeteners, as there is no way of knowing what might trigger this allergic reaction again. so since then I've gone as organic as I can afford and am "artificial - free"!

You know what the hardest thing was, besides my favorite extreme peppermint chewing gum, giving up maraschino cherries! I love a good Manhattan, but learned how to make my own without the food coloring. They are good but you know, just not the same!
