Freezing chocolate cake? (Long...get a cup of tea and settle in...)


Well-known member
Is is possible to bake, frost, and freeze a chocolate cake?

Here's the thing: I'm still doing radiation treatments and this week I came down with bronchitis. My radiation oncologist didn't like the sound of my lungs so he sent me for a chest xray. Said lungs seem ok, but put me on an antibiotic. I'm a bit better, but my lungs are still wheezing, creaking, and I have a cough to end all coughs. Also, I'm not sleeping because I'm coughing. (I'm gonna have a hot toddy tonight.)

So, my dad found out that I'm sick and now is flipping out, asking if I need to be in the hospital, insisting that I really need to cut back on Christmas stuff, possibly cancel it, not cook Christmas dinner, etc. My husband could cook the dinner (we could cut it down to the bare minimum--just do the beef tenderloin, mashed potatoes, and French green beans with cookies for dessert).

But my son's birthday is the day after Christmas and I'd really like to bake him a cake, but it will be too much to do with Christmas. So if I could do that the week before, that would be great. This is just a basic chocolate cake with regular chocolate frosting--nothing fancy. So would it work to bake, frost, and freeze it?

Sure can!

I have done it many times. Also almost ALWAYS bake my cakes ahead of time, and then frost them (frozen) the day or night before an event.

Most important though - please rest and take care of yourself. You'll be in my thoughts.

Yes, and speaking of tea, have you ever tried sage tea for your bronchitis? Last week,

I was going to have friends over but Jacques got such a nasty cough I cancelled it. I had brought home bunches of sage from the garden to fry up as a appetizer. Jacques had been making a ginger tea for several days and I said, "What should we do with all this sage, can you make tea from that too?" We tried it and he felt instantly better. After looking it up we found it does indeed help coughing and is a natural expectorant. At the very least he found it very soothing.

All you do is bring some sage leaves to a boil in water and let them steep a bit. Maybe your dad or someone can pick some up for you. (And if buying sage would only add to your stress, I apologize for the intrusion!)

I'm glad you're taking it easy for Christmas. It's so sweet of you to be making sure your son has his birthday cake.

Feel better soon Amanda.

There is something going around down here that is either flu-like or a strain that isn't in the flu shot this year. I got it early in November & after about a week felt like I had concrete in my chest. I was really surprised when I went for my oncology f/u when she listened to me & said I had pneumonia. Antibiotics helped fast, but it really wore me out, so do be careful. I'd had my flu shot in September. Hugs.

More hot toddies! Hope you feel better soon--sounds like it'll be a great birthday, no matter what!
