FYI pls, in posting 2 Cook the Book reply to 1st post so comments on one book r in same thread...


New posts create new threads aka, new cookbook threads, as in I hope we want to do this with more than one book!

Paul, is there a way to move theses posts without manually copying into original thread and deleting current separate posts? (I don't think so, but thought I'd ask.)

another thing we might consider is to post all our reviews under our original reply, we may reach

that magic 30 reply limit and then a new post will be created, or something like that happens.

there is not a simple way to move them that is why I had to redo Orchid's original post

I attempted to do so at the database level but there is some variable that I just cannot figure out even after reviewing and re-reviewing every table and field. As I have gotten older and wiser(?) I appreciate analog thinking and methods more. But I would be all in favor of updating the Swap to a more modern format where it would be much easier to customize and make adjustments. But using this existing structure that many of you favor has limitations. Even to keep it exactly as it is now, it should really be re-coded from the ground up. Any types of updates at this point are more time consuming than to customize some other existing option. Either case would require extensive coding to achieve the same look/feel and function.

yeah I thought so...I'll do it manually. Thanks (so embedded photos/etc aren't coming back, right?)

Wish I was better at coding. smileys/frown.gif

depends what you mean by embedded

you can still use the image URL field as intended and the image will embed in the post
