Gaaack! This could've been deadly! Especially given my recent flare-up of diverticulitis. Samaly


Well-known member
has anyone ever heard of it? It's a Greek cake, which I was told was made with farina and orange honey. Now I find out its main ingredients are "Semolina and Ground Almonds..." I did a Googles search for the recipe and found this!

Does anyone have a recipe, or know for sure what is has in it? The one recipe I did find that said it included farina did not have it listed as an ingredient. Geesh...

Thank you, Marilyn. I looks like what they were selling. altho it was orange, not lemon. Can you

substitute farina for the semolina? I know they're both wheat products, but I've never bought either one of them. Thanks again!

Don't you really miss grabbing a handful of nuts & not having to poke around in your food for seeds?

I find a similar recipe in my Greek cookbooks, semolina and coarsely chipped almonds...

along with yogurt and citrus syrup. It wasn't called Samali or Samaly though...

Oh wow, uses bread crumbs too. Thank you, I can experiment with the honey and spices

if I make it. To make it more like the Greek cake, I mean. ;o)
