Look on the package to see how much 2 TB solid butter weighs then you might be able to use an equal weight of melted. Success may depend on what the butter was supposed to in the recipe.
first because when adding the yolks, then the eggs I missed slightly with the white from one whole egg...so I decided to add a tad of the extra white, except the full 2 extra egg whites fell in. So I just dumped some whites haphazardly out.
then I forgot I'd melted a 1/2 cup and tossed the whole thing in.
Lemon curd, if you can call it that, is now cooking. It was my last stick of unsalted butter. smileys/frown.gif
Not sure if I can bring myself to go to the store. Can't see how I can gift this. I was in a hurry to make it into the pkg that needs mailing. Er...FedExing
What I canned looks kinda liquidly -- the leftovers chilling don't taste bad.
Kinda needs to be stirred, then it tastes/looks ok. Not sure I want to gift it though...also, the canned top of the jar, while not popped out anymore, it isn't indented either.
This got me thinking about the dates. They include "Best By", "Sell By", "Use Before", and in Europe
the dates are both the best by and the manufacturing dates. And even that is changing with manufacturer. How confusing.
I just threw out a qt. of whipping cream that had not even reached its date and normally, if not opened, whip cream will last well beyond. (Probably just inconsistent temps in the frig)
Sailor Boy is a popular brand----hardtack. it's in every home in rural Alaska. keeps forever.
actually quite good toasted and with a schmear of peanut butter. the link is wikipedia and the picture of the store shelf is in Barrow----I shopped there for 2 1/2 years.