Garbage into Stock???


Well-known member
So what do you get when you throw the duck carcass, onion peels and ends, the stump of a celery stalk, salad trimmings, bay leaf, etc. into a crockpot, top off with water, and leave for two days on low?

Rich wonderful stock.

how does one sleep with the yummy smells all night????

my most effective alarm clock would be one wafting wonderful aromas. good cookin' smells wake me up every time

Your experience reminds me of what I've read about restaurant kitchens that keep..

...huge stock pots on low simmer to throw scraps in as they accumulate from the days prep.

One beef, one chicken and one vegetables only, they simmer away for hours, creating the liquid gold you describe.

I save raw chicken scraps in a freezer bag and keep the carcasses and etc. from rotisserie chickens in their own freezer bag. I simmer them down when I have enough to make a pot of stock.

Pure liquid gold.


I just pulled enough bones and such out of my freezer to make 2 gallons. .

and two pints of turkey(with a little chicken) broth. Pressure canned it up. Excellent stuff. I will be using it to go with my canned turkey to make the best EVER turkey and noodles and turkey and dumplings.

I made a pork stock recently and heat it up and add a pinch of salt and you have liquid roast pork!

so if you like to roast the bones, do you like to do this before freezing or after? I

generally do it before just because all involved is still quite warm. But then it seems to me that the fresher the roastiness of the bones as they hit the water, perhaps the better the final product.

Oh, me too! I can't sleep when I cook something low in the oven overnight

or in the crockpot. I keep waking up smelling the food cooking.
