GayR, thank you! for recommending *Provence, 1970*


I am thoroughly enjoying it while constantly slapping myself silly for donating ALL of the recipe books mentioned inside.

I would check MFK's out of the library, but every cookbook was owned and in my hot little hands during the 70's...including the entire Time Life series.

I'm listening to the Richard Olney section now and was trying to remember which utterly frustrating multi-page recipe of his that I failed at miserably. Happily, Amazon had a Search Inside and I found it in Simple French Food: "Twelfth-Night Pastry" (Gateau des Rois). They wisely only included THE FIRST THREE pages worth of instructions, with more pages embedded in the dead braincells of my skull.

Who KNEW that "Twelfth" was actually a reflection of how many frigging days it would take me to create a disaster.

Anyway, as Bob Hope would say: "thanks for the memories!"

PS: I've included a link that shows some of the text of the recipe. The funniest line is the last one:

"(it is best eaten freshly baked and, preferably, warm.)"



Marilyn, It is so nice to hear that you are enjoying the book. I loved it myself.

I still have the Time Life Series (you know that disease i have, cannot part with my books). If ever you need a recipe let me know and I will gladly send it on.

Take care.

The link does not work.....I will search to find it.

Odd...if you click on the link, you should see words in the search box. Hit the

Magnifying glass and select the first book in the list. The text will be displayed at that time.

Marilyn, Got it now, don't know why but I had to back click and the text came up. All is well in

the world.

You know I would never post any recipe without testing it!

Christmas just gets to be so busy. I seem to be interested in vegetating right now. That means watching movies.....just finished Mr. Selfridge. Reading is a strain on my brain.

I love Olney's recipes and eccentric writing style (though I have never tried the Gateau des Rois)

but he sure comes off as a snob and a bully in the Provence book. He has something choice and nasty to say about everyone! It's no wonder he lived alone. I really believe he was one of those folks who thought, "If the public likes it, it can't be good." Hence his resentment of Julia Child.

But then he goes and writes "Lulu's Provencal Table," his last book which is a loving tribute to the cooking of his untrained neighbor, a winemaker's wife. One of my all time favorite books. I'm kind of glad I can enjoy his books without having to have met him.
