genius fails

Paul host
Staff member
So I get these ideas...

Anyway I peeled a bunch of potatoes then made them into like a thick linguini via the spiralizer. I put them into gallon ziplocks and immediately into the freezer with the idea of pulling out a bag to use when needed. However in just the short time it took to freeze they discolored.

I still like my idea but is there a step that I can take to keep them from discoloring?

And since your taters are so thin, you could cut the time; look for a change in . . .

in how the potatoes look; they would become somewhat more translucent, and being very thinly cut, this would happen very quickly.

I betcha spiralized potatoes would make great, very fast, shoestring potatoes!

thank you for all the good tips

So far I put the potatoes on top of my meatloaf this week and it was a hit. Before that I baked some crispy in the oven and then added them as some garnish/ texture when serving the Szechwan Carrot Soup which I am making again tonight.

Sometimes I blanch too but I often do the above. I was thinking of the delicacy of the spirals
