Ghee question??? So I made the baked version last night. Took a almost 2 hours and


Well-known member
smelled so very good. But I think I goofed on something. The foam on the top, is it to be removed before straining? I did not remove it. I poured the delicious smelling stuff into a jar and left it on the counter overnight. It turned cloudy. Is this how it is supposed to be or should I have removed the foamy top layer?


The cloudiness is normal. It gets semi-solid at room temperature, like regular butter.

All the commercial jarred ghee I see at local ethnic markets is . . .

solidified and opaque in the jar. Don't know about the top of the stuff inside.

I do sometimes, but my dog loves popcorn and I don't want him to have the butter

So I usually pop first (microwave popper bowl), then put the ghee on afterwards.
