Giada has revised her recipe for Lemon Ricotta Cookies....trying them this week

Oh let us know! I made them previously and was disappointed

The batter was super delicious so I really thought they’d be fantastic and they ended up being something I wouldn’t make again. So, I’m looking forward to your review!

I have a friend in Italy, and he shared his Nonne's lemon filled cookie recipe with me

In case you would like to give it a shot. His photos were the bomb. Sort of like a fat oval ravioli.

I tried translating it using Google, it's not bad but I left it as is because I thought some of the translations were funny. Original Italian is included just in case anyone is fluent enough to help translate?

from Filippo Romagnoli

By popular demand here is the recipe (Italian) of biscuits stuffed with lemon cream by Nonna Nicoletta,


400g di farina bianca "00"
120g di zucchero a velo
160g di burro
2 tuorli d'uovo
1 limone non trattato per la farcitura
250ml di latte
3 tuorli
70g di zucchero di canna
20g di fecola di patate (potato starch)
20g di farina bianca "00"
2 limoni non trattati

Unite alla farina setacciata lo zucchero a velo, il burro freddo a pezzetti, i tuorli e la scorza del limone grattugiata e lavorate fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo.
se dovesse risultare troppo granuloso, aggiungere 1 cucchiaio d'acqua fredda. Formate una palla, avvolgetela nella pellicola trasparente e fatela riposare in frigorifero per 30 minuti.
Intiepidite il latte, unitevi la scorza del limone grattugiata e lasciate in infusione per 10-15 minuti. Sbattete i tuorli con lo zucchero di canna fino a quando risulteranno gonfi e spumosi. Aggiungete la farina, la fecola e continuate a sbattere fino a ottenere una crema liscia. Versate il latte tiepido a filo, amalgamate e travasate in un pentolino. Cuocete mescolando con una frusta fino a quando la crema inizierà ad addensarsi. Lasciatela raffreddare.
Stendete la frolla a uno spessore di circa 2mm e con uno stampo da 6cm di diametro ricavate dei dischi.
Distribuite 1 cucchiaino di crema al centro di metà dei dischi, sovrapponete i restanti e premete i bordi in modo da sigillare il tutto.
Disponete i biscotti su una teglia ricoperta con carta da forno e cuoceteli a 180°C per circa 15 minuti o fino a quando inizieranno a dorarsi.

By popular demand here is the recipe (Italian) of biscuits stuffed with lemon cream by Nonna Nicoletta,

Lemon Cream Cookies:

400 g white flour "00"
120 g powdered sugar
160 g butter
2 egg yolks
1 Lemon not treated for filling
250 ml milk
3 yolks
70 G Cane Sugar
20 G Potato Starch (Potato Starch)
20 g white flour "00"

Combined with flour Sifted Powdered Sugar, cold butter to bits, yolks and grated lemon zest and worked until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
If it gets too grainy, ADD 1 tablespoon of cold water. Form a ball, put it in the transparent film and rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Intiepidite the milk, unite the grated lemon zest and leave for 10-15 minutes. Hit the yolks with cane sugar until they're swollen and swollen. Add Flour, starch and keep banging until you get a smooth cream. Pour the warm milk to the wire, put it in a saucepan. Cook mixing with a whip until the cream starts to the. Let her cool.
Extend the crust to a thickness of about 2 mm and with a 6 cm diameter of the discs.
Distribute 1 teaspoon of cream to the center of half of the discs, overlay the rest and press the edges to seal it all.
Have cookies on a pan covered with oven paper and cuoceteli at 180°C for about 15 minutes or until they start to dorarsi

Maria, Made the cookies and very disappointed..... they flattened out too much and the texture is

that of a sponge cookie.....not at all what I am familiar with in a Ricotta Cookie.....last time I will make them.....
