Glazed Carrots/Change user name to include my state?


Well-known member
I knew this man along time ago, that made the best glazed carrots, and never learned how he did it. The carrots were not cooked, and then glazed. They were glazed as they cooked, and had an inconcistant crisp, brown, fried-like texture. This man then robbed the nightclub we worked at and left the state. I am so very excited to find this place. I'm so addicted already. I'm trying to figure out how to change me user name to include my state, TX, anyone know how?

i think you can change your posted name by...

clicking account at the top of the page then clicking account options.

Actually, I don't think you can. You have to re-register, using a new name...

like Joanie (Joanietoo) did.

What you suggested, Rick, will only change your signature on the bottom of your posts.

Quick, do it now, Kendall, before you post anything more!! ;o) And welcome!! 'Glad you found us, too.

The Colorado Cache Jr League cookbook has a great glazed recipe. I'll post it later from home.
