Going to make a Bee Sting cake but not sure which is the better recipe

Never made it, but to add another, King Arthur worked through one. I like their methodology.

And the fact that they give weights.
Bienenstich...say THAT fast three times.
Here are a couple online hints for this cake:

"You don' need to proof the yeast, and you can substitute instant if you want without any problem.

The double rising will improve the flavor of the cake. An overnight rise in the refrigerator should improve it even more. When it comes to yeast-doughs a long, slow rise is ideal for maximum flavor development.

If you're having trouble getting it to roll out without snapping back let it rest on the counter for 10 minutes to give the gluten in the dough a chance to relax. That should make it easier."

Good luck.


Good to know, that's one of the reason I posted the question so I wouldn't make a mistake

Great tips from Rose of Garner, NC.

Rose from Garner NC

I am from Germany and Bienenstich was and still is my favorite cake; however, the region I am from never used pudding, but whipping cream for the center filling. I have never eaten it with pudding in the middle. I will use your recipe for he dough and use the whipped cream as always. One can also slice the cake and then freeze the individual slices. It freezes real well even with the whipped cream. I do that always. This way I do not have to thaw out the whole cake just to each a slice. Thank you for a wonderful recipe. I find once you slice the cake in half with the almond topping in place, slice the top part and then assemble the slices back onto the cake and slice all the way through. This way it does not compress the filling.

they all will give you a pretty authentic cake. I would use one with a more substantial filling,

not just whipped cream. the one with pudding or the pastry cream would hold up the cake layer quite well. and tastier with the nice vanilla flavor.
