Going to my first Food Swap. What should I bring?

So many choices there. What do you feel most comfortable about making - Sweet or savory? Baked

stuff or cooked?

Caramel sauce, butterscotch sauce, hot fudge sauce, chutney (mango, cilantro, etc.), salsa,

mustard (creole, etc.), sesame/soy dipping sauce, pesto, ...

I thought the purpose of the swaps was to exchange items you make especially well. If you don't

have anything you're particularly proud of,rather than cobble something together, why not put some of your photos (with anecdotes) in jars or little books? How many people wouldn't enjoy candid shots of Anthony Bourdain, John Besh or any of those other celebrity chefs you've rubbed elbows with?

Thanks! I've never been to a food swap. Half the fun has been dreaming about what to bring!
