good customer service on my proofing box and food safety question



My Brod & Taylor proofing box, purchased in December of 2011, quit working yesterday afternoon while I was incubating a batch of yogurt. The inoculated milk has now been at cool room temperature about 18 hours and is a little sour tasting but not at all thick. Can I save it and how?

Also, Brod & Taylor is going to fix the box it at no charge and will even pay to ship it back to me. Commendable customer service, don't you think?

On yogurt....

Cindy, I would "refresh" that yogurt that is half way there, or part of the way there, with a new culture (or whatever you use to get things going), maybe keeping 50% of the yogurt and adding 50% milk + new "starter", and place in a warm spot again

if you just raise the temperature it could work, but it depends how long it sat at room temperature - if too long, you might be better off by giving it a boost of new cultures.

it is likely that nothing bad happened to that "failed' yogurt if it sat at room temperature and started to get sour, so I would give it a try
