Good thing I post recipes here - and this is one reason I do...


Well-known member
Last night we were eating leftovers and I thought to myself "Hmm, this is good, I wonder what chicken this was". I couldn't remember what the mystery food was - was it something I brought home from eating out? No. Something I unburied from the freezer? No. Ah! A pear! So then I remembered, vaguely, how I made it, but was thankful that I'd posted it here on the board so I knew what the recipe was.

Lots of times I just fly by the seat of my pants and don't follow recipes when cooking meals (desserts, yes, but meals, no) and lately have been having trouble remembering details like that. I've been into canning and trying all kinds of pickled things. Unemployment stress is taking its toll too, I guess! And having a lot of leftovers doesn't help either.

You were eating a pear and thought it was chicken?!! My goodness, are you sure it was still good?!
