Google Translate app: Do you think this would work to convert foreign recipes?

Don't know about the app

but I just went to google translate and put, in English to translate to French
1) 1 tsp
2) 1 teaspoon

and the French translation was the same.

As an aside, I have live chat on my website and I often have spanish speaking customers. Unfortunately I don't know the language but google translate lets me communicate effectively with them. Technology is amazing!

I use it a lot for language studies. My rating would be: so-so. Encl. are some other sites

that you could enter the information and compare the response.
(don't have personal experience with this)
(this one is more for individual words, or occasionally phrases)

(Am I correct that you really do want to know if Google Translate works for recipes? If not, ignore smileys/smile.gif


Yes, Betty...I am interested in translating some Italian recipes.

It's bizarre. I can look at a French recipe and mentally translate it...or a Spanish one, but Italian messes with my head every time. It's like reading knitting or macramé instructions. Just can't do it.

Thanks for all the good sites. I'm really terrible at finding new sources. I tend to use Babelfish because it's the first one I knew about. But yesterday I wanted to write out a phrase in Filipino (tagalog) and they don't have that option. All the other ones I found wanted me to download apps and I don't do that unless I trust the source.
