of Little Havana this afternoon and I am stuffed! And no, I've never been to Little Havana before, can you believe that? I know, why? I don't know, just haven't done much in the Miami area but we sure did enjoy this tour. It was really well done with lots of food information mixed with cultural/area information. We ate at 5 different locations and I can now say that my Cuban sandwiches are better. (smile) John agrees also! Ha! But we look forward to going back and I will absolutely go back and eat at the 1st restaurant we stopped at which was the first Cuban Restaurant in Little Havana. We had a really great beef empanada and tostone cup with ground chicken saffrito filling there as well as the best Cuban coffee I had anywhere. And then the Cuban sandwich at the 2nd, then a phylo guava pastry at a sweet little bakery. On to a fruiteria for sugar cane juice and finally home made ice cream where we tasted 3. Guava, cheesecake and I can't think of the 3rd. I'm stuffed! Mixed in was lots of other things, domino park (you have to be at least 55 years old to play) Memorial Blvd. (Bay of Pigs) etc. Very interesting and a nice group from all around the states as well as Germany and England. There were 3 young men (late 20's or early 30's) one from the states, one from England and one from Jamaica that all had come to Miami on vacation and ended staying at the same hostel and decided to take the tour. I thought that was really cool.