Got a fresh Ham what to do

Think "Giant, fresh, pork roast" . . .

You could bone it out raw and then freeze in parcels to eat later. Some of the chunks of meat can be cross-cut into steaks/chops of sorts (boneless of course). This meat will be lean and could be used in recipes calling for quickly cooked, thin slices of meat (sometimes pounded bigger) like chicken parmesan, or chicken fried steak, milanesa; make sure you don't over cook the stuff!

I like to cook the whole leg first, eating it as a roast with gravy and potatoes and such. Then with the abundant leftovers, both meat and bone, I make burritos, tacos, stew (save that gravy!), fried rice, hash with potatoes, all sorts of stuff. Since the meat is lean, I like to use it in sandwiches/quesadillas, etc. You could even take some of the leftovers and cook it up in some barbeque sauce for a quickie BBQ pork sandwich.

Did I mention that I like pork? smileys/smile.gif

I like them Cuban style!

Marinate in 3/4 orange juice, 1/4 lime juice, lots of crushed garlic and oregano, and pepper. Roast and baste while roasting, or do in the slow cooker for 8-10 hours.

Me too but I make that a gargantuan amount of garlic. It can

never be enough for a Cuban pork roast. I even cut little slits all over and poke whole small cloves in them. Fantastic!
