Got an e-mail from that my old handle has been added as a user. Paul, is this your


Well-known member
handiwork? I"m no longer posting under Scarlett. We can let it ride or kill Scarlett. Makes no difference to me.

I am sorry: doing some updates this was sent accidental by the system to all users

Re: I am sorry: doing some updates this was sent accidental by the system to all users

I forgot to ask. I'm not in Indiana anymore, can it be changed to Debbie in Colorado? My email addressed me as Debbie in Colorado, but when I post it says Indiana.

Click on Account, up top. Then Account Options > Display Name

change it to what you want then hit the submit button

Has this been fixed now? I changed my display name to Michael in Naples

almost 2 years ago but it still showed up as Michael in Sarasota.

Thanks, Paul

Did not realize this was a problem. Did anyone ever report this to me?

When you go into your account settings does it say Michael in Naples ?

yes still working on the other part. the code is enigmatic and old school
