Great New Recipe Site!!!!

Hi All -

Great new recipe website at (url deleted)

Perfect spot from family recipes. You can submit your own and they will post them within a day. It's fun and there are great easy recipes!

Check it out!

Diane, when you open a post, the number of posts the person has is under their name.

As Jean says, if post #1 links to a commercial site, they're just here to direct traffic there.

When you register it says...

"Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of the User Agreement."

Because of that I'm not much inclined to cut much slack...especially since being lenient just encourages the spammers!

I agree ~ I am taking procedural criminal law and mitigating circumstances is failure to be

responsible for one's actions (in most cases)and or make excuses for their failure to follow the rules. And most people do follow's just those few - like the person who posted the original message who make it necessary to impose the rules in the first place ~ Why I give you, Mimi, a standing ovation to your message!!!!!!!

To be successful you have to be dilligent of enforcing the rules~ Here at FK we respect your wishes Mimi ~ And it is the main reason this is a succesful forum and you have many participants who all genuinely care about each other and reach out ~ FK is like the prozac to a hectic day ~my home away from home for me, at least this is how I feel.

Thank you Mimi ~ you are a charm!!!!!!

Wow...thank you!

I edited your title because of the STUPID bug that doesn't allow you to put a % sign in the title...making the thread unreadable. Sorry about that. I never could get that fixed.

Thanks for the nice words. It actually is really hard sometimes to enforce the rules as I feel I'm being mean to someone who probably meant well. Oh well. :eek:)
