Green Smoothie warning...make sure you change your greens often..see inside


Well-known member
Just a heads up regarding green smoothies....too much of a good thing can be bad. Please read:

I'm a HUGE green smoothie lover. Been enjoying them for many months. One morning, while sipping on a spinach smoothie, I started having an intense pain in my back, around the kidney area. It was a back pain I never experienced before. Very strange but I blew it off. Next green smoothie, the pain came again. It was so weird!! After the third pain episode, decided to do some googling of 'green smoothie kidney pain'. Well, sure enough green, leafy veggies can cause KIDNEY STONES!! Especially my beloved spinach!! I was shocked!

Green smoothie advocates will tell you to ALWAYS switch up your greens and never have the same green 2 days in a row. Each green has a unique level of nutrients. I LOVE spinach but did vary my greens...kale, turnip and beet greens, etc. Didn't matter. The oxalates in the greens can cause kidney stones. Plain and simple.

I'm following a kidney stone diet now. smileys/frown.gif

Please, if you are prone to any kind of kidney issue, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! This seemingly innocent and healthy drink can be harmful. I'm soooooo bummed!

Oh and did you read the article about the 88 y/o Chinese woman who ate 2 pounds of raw bok choy everyday? She wound up in a coma! I almost fell of my chair. Apparently, there's an enzyme in (uncooked) cabbage that affects the thyroid. She was eating huge amounts of it in an effort to control her diabetes.

Hope this helps someone avoid the pain I'm going through.

