Gretchen posted this on another site as "The mother of all cookie recipe sites" I agree!

I got this included as an email recently & have been trying to find a way to post here. Thanks for

rescuing me.

See, here's my twisted take on this site:

After receiving this link SEVENTEEN times in email (17, as in 10001 in binary, which is how many it feels like), I have unscientifically concluded that this website is the creation of a 13-year old genius computer hacker.

And he/she/it has encoded a backdoor bug/virus/itchy throat somewhere in the code.

Because I'm telling you, my friends, this website is FLYING through the Internet. And now its cookie (every pun included) is on your computer. Heck, it's on mine 17 times.

Forget about Early Public Warning Systems! Just add your (fill in the blank) warning as another cookie recipe and the entire world will have it within minutes.

PS: I'm joking, of course. Please, Northpole website, do not sue me for defamation of cookie.

...obviously hit the ENTER key too soon. Dawn, I was just joking...

It's a website ( An email is going around with the word COOKIES in LARGE font and below that, hyperlinks of hundred of Cookie names...all in alphabetical right after the other. It opens to their site.

So if you're looking for Snickerdoodle or for Brownies, sugar cookies or stainglass window cookies, they're only a hyperlink away.

The email suggests you forward it to anyone you know who loves to bake cookies. So I've gotten it in email from family and friends, seen it here, and friends of my husband have sent it to him to give to me.

So it's getting around. I was just making a joke about how well and how quickly it's getting around.

Well, that says something about my baking ability and reputation,

I have not received it even
