Halloween desert ideas.....besides cupcakes or cookies?


Well-known member
We are doing a potluck at work and I am known as the wow guy. People have been asking what I am bringing. The only thing that comes to mind is a red velvet with cream cheese frosting and melted chocolate flowing down the sides.

Wonderful ideas, but a lot of them are beyond my capabilities

I do like the pumpkin cheesecake tarts though.

I wonder would chocolate poured over a cream cheese frosting taste just fine

or would it clash. A clash between sour and sweet chocolate.

oli, Magnolia Bakery does Red Velvet Cake with a White Chocolate Ganache if you

google "Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Filling and White Chocolate Ganache, from Magnolia Bakery you can find the recipe.

Gasp! Marie Antoinette would be in her element with that collection!!

Talented yes. Do I want to eat any? No! LOL

How about a pumpkin shaped cake

I follow Chris Kimball from Cooks Country on Twitter and this was posted today. Interesting that I can read the whole article on twitter but not via the internet - it says it's paid content... go figure....

Picture this - 2 bundt cakes - one is turned upside down - this is the bottom half of the pumpkin. The other is put right side up on top - to make the top of the pumpkin. Don't forget to put a filling or icing in between.

They put a cupcake in the hole to cover it. THen icing with orange icing. Using the spatula to make ridges in the icing. Then another cupcake is put on the top and iced with green icing.

